My KYC failed

In order to verify your account you will be asked to complete the KYC (Know your Customer) process. In order to do this you will need to provide personal information to CleverDo to confirm your identity and issue you with an IBAN (International Bank Account Number).

You will only have 2 chances to pass verification before your account is deactivated pending investigation. In order to avoid having your account deactivated please follow these instructions.

The form of Identification used must contain your photograph, both date of issue and the expiry date. Expired documents or documents without an expiry date will not be accepted.

The following documents are accepted for KYC verification;

  • Passport
  • Driver's license
  • National photographic identity card

The details must be entered into the CleverDo App EXACTLY as they appear on the chosen document. Once you have entered all of your details, if you are in any doubt you can press edit and check the details before pressing confirm and moving on to uploading your proof of identity to the CleverDo App.

Depending on the document, the "issued by" can be the country or authority that issued the identity document. If you are unsure about what to enter please contact our customer support team at

If your KYC fails for the second time then you will receive a notification informing you that your account has been deactivated, if this happens you will need to contact our customer support team at who will put you through to our compliance team and they will assist you.

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