Why is my account deactivated?

From time to time CleverDo will be required to deactivate and in some cases delete accounts due to security and compliance issues.

There are a number of reasons why your account could be deactivated, these include:

  • Failing the KYC process for a second time - If you attempt to complete the KYC process twice and fail, then, for security purposes, your account will be automatically deactivated until we can make contact with you and resolve the issue
  • Unusual or suspicious activity - If we notice any possible fraudulent activity involving your account then your account will be deactivated whilst we investigate. Any fraudulent activity will be reported to the relevant authorities
  • Providing false information - If we have any reason to believe that you have provided false or misleading information to gain access to products and services not available in your area then your account will be deactivated pending investigation. If the result of that investigation proves fraudulent or misleading information has been provided to obtain access to CleverDo services your account will be deleted permanently and the situation will be reported to the relevant authorities.
  • Violation of the terms and conditions - If we have reason to believe that the CleverDo App is being used in any other way than in accordance with the accepted terms and conditions then your account will be deactivated while we assess the situation. This applies to all versions of the terms and conditions accepted by the user for any of CleverDo's or any third party's services

If you find at any time that your account has been deactivated, please contact help@cleverdo.app for assistance.

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